Image Title


Volunteer Leader


Volunteer Leader

Irish Girl Guides


At a Glance

  • Start Date:01/11/2023
  • End Date:01/07/2025
  • Closing date:16/10/2026
  • Post Updated:12/10/2023
  • Min Hours:1 hour per week
  • Role Type:Youth work

Requirements:To fill in application, complete garda vetting and safeguarding training


Irish Girl Guides (IGG) provides a non-formal educational programme in the Republic of Ireland that is dynamic and flexible while offering values-based training in lifeskills, decision-making and leadership. Our Leaders work in a voluntary capacity and are trained to implement our programme in which the needs of the individual girl are a priority.

Guiding gives you the chance to help the next generation to learn to live and grow into adults equipped to cope with the joys, the anxieties, the fears, and the demands of life. Guiding encourages the best in us as it gives us the opportunity to discover new ideas, new skills, new experiences, and new friendships.

You will find that the friendships you form with other Leaders and your relationship with the girls will enrich your life and help with your personal development. It will also provide you with important lifeskills that are transferable to other aspects of your life such as career, travel, studies, family, and friendships.

There is a place for everyone in IGG and there are many different roles that you can take up that suit your availability and your skill-set

Is training provided?: Yes

Please note that Garda Vetting is required for this position which will be processed with you after you apply.

Details of time commitment needed for role:
One hour a week for unit meetings during the school year and two planning meeting during the year which will be 2-3 hours

Minimum time commitment per week:
1 hour p/week

Additional screening required for this role:
You will need to fill in an application form, be garda vetted and attend a 3 hour child safeguarding course. We will provide additional training so you can be a full warranted Irish Girl Guide Leader.


If you have any questions about this role please feel free to get in touch:

Name: Rachel Sherlock

Address: Irish Girl Guides, Trefoil House, Pembroke Road, Dublin


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