Volunteer at Munster Swim Competition

UL Wolves Swim Club
- Sports & Recreation
- Limerick
Team Hope
Requirements:A cupboard/wardrobe of items you no longer need!
There’s No Time Like The Present …. Create A Present Now …. For Later!
Calling EVERYONE!!! Are you looking for something constructive to do at home? Are you cupboard clearing, toy sorting, wardrobe space making? It may not be fun doing those jobs around the house but please - don’t throw your items away … you CAN do something fun with them - we need your pre loved gifts!!!
This could be the ideal opportunity for you to get one step ahead of the rest and start creating your Team Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal gift NOW ready for October!!!
Yes, we know its too early for most people to think about Christmas(!) but how great would it be to get to October knowing that you already have a shoebox gift or two ready for a needy child – all made from items that haven’t cost you anything – items you might have ended up throwing out if we hadn’t got you thinking about it now!!!
Have you got some teddy bears or good quality small toys that need a new home or are there clothes in the wardrobe that your younger brothers/sisters have grown out of but are too nice to throw out? Are there copy books that haven’t been written in or is there a wash item (a scented bar of soap that you aren't keen on, a facecloth or other item) that you could set aside? If the answer is YES then you could be our hero!
Here at Team Hope we are always so grateful to everyone for their support and love during our Christmas Shoebox Appeal but we know everyone is experiencing some strange times. Many of you have come to sites like this to find out how you can help others. Working from home, can be a challenge but maybe you can have some fun, embrace love and sharing and help others who are in need at the same time.
Why not check out our website www.teamhope.ie/csa and download a leaflet? This will give you all the information you need to create a Christmas Shoebox Gift. It’s fun to do honestly!
You might not have any “to Wear” items – can you knit something like a hat or scarf? If the answer is yes – fantastic but don’t stop there – if you have some spare time - we are always looking for fillers for our donated gifts – check out our separate volunteer role for “Super Knitters” and become part of our super knitters team! Similarly, if you don’t have a “Wash” item now put a note in your box to remind yourself to put it in at a later date. You’ll still have started creating a box of love in advance and had fun at the same time sorting through items that you can put in.
Is training provided?: No
Tasks that the volunteer(s) will be expected to undertake:
We will officially launch the 2025 Christmas Shoebox Appeal in September. We will then have a list of local coordinators and independent drop off points like local shops and retailers who will be available to take your shoebox gifts from October onwards. You might even like to visit a local checking centre to help check the shoeboxes for customs purposes in due course! (This can br part of your volunteering hours too!) Please keep collecting and creating gifts - the more the merrier as they say!
Our website and Facebook pages have lots of information on them – and pictures of some of the 171,651 children who received a Christmas Shoebox Appeal gift from people like you this year. Go on – find an old shoebox, wrap it in some snazzy paper and start filling it up with the 4 W’s (Wash, Write, Wear and WOW!) – its addictive and FUN!!! Thank you in advance.
Skills required for this role:
A willingness to sort through a cupboard or drawer to find good quality items
An ability to part with an old teddy bear who you've loved for years but know that it will be loved by another child for years to come!
A desire to have fun and create a gift of love from one person in Ireland to another needy child in a far away land who will cherish the items and maybe even be given the chance of an education because of the school supplies you send.
An opportunity and reason to do something good with items that you might just have thrown away!
Minimum time commitment per week:
1 hour p/week
Additional screening required for this role:
If you have any questions about this role please feel free to get in touch:
Name: Theresa Wood
Address: Team Hope, 5 Leopardstown Business Centre, Ballyogan Avenue, Dublin18
Website: www.teamhope.ie
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Community‘Just 3’ is the student volunteer programme in Terryland Forest Park.
CommunityStudentVolunteer.ie enables students to have the opportunity to: enrich your personal development and employability skills, have a fun experience, meet new people, and give back to your community. Sign up now.
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