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Class Representative 2024/2025


Class Representative 2024/2025

UL Student Life


At a Glance

  • Start Date:09/09/2024
  • End Date:15/05/2025
  • Closing date:26/05/2025
  • Post Updated:12/08/2024
  • Min Hours:1 Hour Per Week
  • Role Type:Community Development

Requirements:Must be a registered class rep for 2024-2025


What is a Class Rep?

Class Life Reps are an essential part of University and UL Student Life. They are our eyes and ears on the ground and work as a point of contact for the class, the lecturers, tutors and of course UL Student Life.


Why would I be a Class Rep?

This is your Class, your University and your UL Student Life. It’s time to step-up, become a leader, a communicator and take on some responsibility. It looks great on your C.V., as well as receiving formal Class Rep training through the National Student Engagement Programme (NStEP).

Is training provided?: Yes

Tasks that the volunteer(s) will be expected to undertake:

There is both a fun side and serious side to the role.

The Serious

• Liaising with lecturers & classmates

• Providing feedback on students learning experience, both positive & negative

• Updating your class with information


The FUN!

• Setting up the class social media accounts

• Organising class events

• Organising class hoodies

• Getting to meet lots of different people in and out of your class

Skills required for this role:





Details of time commitment needed for role:
9 hours over two semesters/ Must attend NStEP Training, Class Rep Forums & Complete Leaders for Life

Minimum time commitment per week:
1 hour p/week

Additional screening required for this role:
Nomination & election by class mates


If you have any questions about this role please feel free to get in touch:

Name: Maeve Lynes

Address: UL Student Life, Student Centre University of Limerick Castletroy, Co. Limerick


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