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An bhfuil gaeilge agat? Teaching opportunity for Irish speaking students.


An bhfuil gaeilge agat? Teaching opportunity for Irish speaking students.

Junior Achivement Ireland


At a Glance

  • Start Date:08/01/2024
  • End Date:30/06/2025
  • Closing date:31/08/2026
  • Post Updated:19/02/2025
  • Min Hours:1.5 hours
  • Role Type:Teaching/Tutoring

Requirements:Fluent Irish speakers


An bhfuil suim agat clár Junior Achievement a chur chun cinn agus a bheith mar dhea-shampla i do phobal féin? 

Tá an éileamh againn faoi láthair ó mhic léinn ar fud na tíre a bhfuil spéis acu i scéal do ghairm bheatha agus tuilleadh a fhoghlaim faoin ngnó/comhlacht/staidéar in a bhfuil tú.

Cabhraíonn sé leo, trí iad a spreagadh agus a chríosadh tríd a gcuid scolaíochta agus an nasc idir an t-oideachas agus saol na hoibre a léiriú. 

Tá Junior Achievement i mbun earcaíochta, ag lorg daoine a d'oibreodh go deonach chun an clár seo a chur i láthair i nGaeilge do mhic léinn bunscoile nó meánscoile. Cuirfear oiliúint iomlán ar fáil agus tabharfar gach tacaíocht duit tríd an bpróiseas. 

Is training provided?: Yes

Please note that Garda Vetting is required for this position which will be processed with you after you apply.

Tasks that the volunteer(s) will be expected to undertake:

An bhfuil spéis agat an mhéid seo? 

Déan iarratas thíos.

Skills required for this role:


Details of time commitment needed for role:
Programmes to be delivered in school hours Full training provided online (approx. 2 hours) Approx. time commitment 3-6 hours depending on programme. Programmes must be delivered as gaeilge in an irish speaking school in a Gaeltacht area.

Minimum time commitment per week:
1 hour p/week

Additional screening required for this role:
None, just enthusiasm and an interest in volunteering and being a role model for students in a Gaeltacht primary or post primary school!


If you have any questions about this role please feel free to get in touch:

Name: Niamh Grealish

Address: Junior Achivement Ireland,


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