NUI Galway Celebrates International Day of People with Disabilities

International Day of People with Disabilities Photography Competition
Thursday, 3 December
The 2020 Theme is:
“All in this Together”
NUI Galway students, staff and community partners are excited to build awareness of the wide variety of contexts and people for the International Day of People with Disabilities 2020!
Submit your photo today!
How to Submit to the Competition
1. Post your photo and caption online at Instagram or Twitter using the hashtag for this years' theme #NUIGtogether
2. Email your photo and caption to
The group coming together to support this initiative is ALIVE, the Disability Office/Officer, Students Union, current students, Access Office, Marketing office, and Health Promotion Student Services.
3rd place - 50 euro All for one voucher sponsored by ALIVE
2nd place - 75 euro all for one voucher sponsored by Access Office
1st place - 100 euro all for one voucher sponsored by Vice President for Equality
There will be a celebration to acknowledge the winners and printed images framed for the campus for all to enjoy as part of the art collection.
Sector expert: Aengus McMahon (
Student: Patricia O’Mahony, NUI Galway Students Union Disability Rights Officer
Staff: Deirdre Lydon, Marketing Office, NUI Galway
What to Expect on December 3rd!
- NUI Galway will light up the Quadrangle in purple lights.
- Students and Staff are invited to wear purple and post photos of themselves on the day.
- The NUI Galway Disability Support Service team will be doing an “insta takeover” of Access Centre’s Instagram on the day, introducing the team and a quick Q&A for any students who might have questions about registering with DSS.
About one in twenty students at NUI Galway is registered with the Disability Support Service; however, we know that many more have undiagnosed or undisclosed disabilities. Not all disabilities are visible and we want to raise awareness in particular for students who may not feel they are eligible to register for disability support and to show that there is no stigma in having a disability, mental health issue or long-term illness that requires support.

Terms and Conditions of Competition
- All entries must be received by the Final Entry Deadline: Submit by: 11th December 2020.
- All entries must be received in electronic format to the following email address: with a caption.
- You may choose to post your photo to social media with the hashtag #NUIGtogether
- Contest is open to all photographers who are over the age of 18 years old.
- Cost of Entry - Submission is for free.
- One entry per person is permitted.
- Each submitted photograph, in its entirety, must be a single work of original material taken by the entrant. By entering the competition, the entrant represents, acknowledges, and warrants that the submitted photograph is an original work created solely by the entrant, that the photograph does not infringe on the copyrights, trademarks, moral rights, rights of privacy/publicity or intellectual property rights of any person or entity, and that no other party has any right, title, claim or interest in the photograph.
- The entries will be judged in accordance with the Judging Criteria, as defined below. The photograph must not, in the sole and unfettered discretion of the Sponsors, contain obscene, defamatory, sexually explicit, or otherwise objectionable or inappropriate content. Photographs deemed inappropriate will be disqualified.
- By participating, ALL ENTRANTS grant NUIG, licensees or affiliates (the “Authorized Parties”) the right to reproduce, distribute, display and post the entries online, and in promotions directly related to the Photo Competition, so that the public may view competing entries.
- By participating, each entrant grants to NUIG a non-exclusive license for use of his/her entry in connection with the Photo Competition and promotion of the Photo Competition, including but not limited to print or digital publication and public exhibitions showcasing the winners. NUIG will not be required to pay any additional consideration or seek any additional approval in connection with such use.
- Entries will be judged based on creativity, photographic quality, and effectiveness in expressing the contest theme.
- Winners will be announced on this web site as well as on social media channels.
- Decisions of the Sponsors and Judges are final and binding.