Volunteer at Munster Swim Competition

UL Wolves Swim Club
- Sports & Recreation
- Limerick
EIL intercultural learning in partnership with NUI Galway are offering current Undergraduate students the chance of winning a Travel Scholarship abroad in 2020.
Fully Completed Applications must be in to the ALIVE Office in the Hub, Aras an Mac Léinn, by 15th November by hard copy in order to be considered for the EIL process deadline on the 6th of December.
Applications are available via email and must be completely filled including references and "Why Choose Me". You must have a clear project plan for the volunteering programme and have volunteering experience already to be eligible.
Email ALIVE for your application form today: alive@nuigalway.ie
First round Interviews to shortlist candidates will take place the week of Nov 18th in Aras na Mac Leinn. Not all who are shortlisted at this first stage of interviews will be offered a Travel Scholarship.
Please read on the Details of Project Types, Destinations, Scholarship Details and Duration at:
EIL Information Event with Gemma and Lorraine!
Wednesday 6th November
The Hub Central, Arts/Science Concourse (near smokies)
All welcome!
Read past experiences of volunteers with EIL on the EIL website.
StudentVolunteer.ie enables students to have the opportunity to: enrich your personal development and employability skills, have a fun experience, meet new people, and give back to your community. Sign up now.
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