News & Events

News & Events

News & Events

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Despite a serious lack of seating, our new space is ready for students! #alive #nuigalway #volunteer #newyearnewyou #renovation #orientation #college #bigreveal

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 READ Volunteer Stories

Student share their experiences. Read our volunteer blog here!



European Parliament: European Youth Event 2021!
23/03/2021 - The European Youth Event (EYE) brings together at the European Parliament in Strasbourg thousands of young people from all over the European Union and beyond!

Volunteering During Covid - 19 Student Survey
03/03/2021 - A Final Year NUIG Occupational Therapy student is conducting research on volunteering health crisis

ALIVE Welcome Information Session
11/02/2021 - Join us on zoom on 18th February for an information session on all the volunteering opportunities this semester!

Not another Zoom Quiz!
06/02/2021 - NUI Galway Students’ fund-raiser for Galway Simon

The Food Systems Summit - Have Your Say!
03/02/2021 - Interested in food sustainability? Pop along!

NUI Galway Sustainability Student Summit 2021
01/02/2021 - All welcome! Join in on all things campus Sustainability

Hackathon/Climathon with French Embassy in Ireland
20/01/2021 - Join us for a hackathon on climate that will start in March 2021.

NUI Galway Celebrates International Day of People with Disabilities
23/11/2020 - Photography Competition

ALIVE Workshop Series 2020
02/11/2020 - Learn new skills and engage in a wide variety of topics!

ALIVE Welcome Workshops 2020
08/10/2020 - Discover our campus award and volunteering projects

NUI Galway Virtual Volunteering Fair 2020
08/10/2020 - Meet some brilliant nonprofits for the chat!

Bike Week Celebration at NUI Galway
20/09/2020 - Addressing inequalities in sustainable transport

Galway Community Circus Workshop
07/09/2020 - Come along and learn new skills!

Global Goals Jam 2020!
24/08/2020 - Virtual SDGs Jam with Design Thinking Tools

Anti-Racism Workshops with ALIVE at NUI Galway
17/07/2020 - Following up from our first workshop the conversations continue!

COV-AID Student Engagement Award 2020
26/05/2020 - Apply to a new Grant Award especially for student volunteers!

Make Summer 2020 Your Gaisce Summer
26/05/2020 - Achieve the national award medal and reach your goals!

The ALIVE Certificate Ceremony 2020
28/02/2020 - Presidential Award for Volunteering at NUI Galway

Exploring the European Solidarity Corps
13/02/2020 - What is like to volunteer across Europe? Beyond Europe? Come along and learn more!

ALIVE Certificate Ceremony- The President’s Award
10/02/2020 - ALIVE Certificate Ceremony- April 7th

Join Us! enables students to have the opportunity to: enrich your personal development and employability skills, have a fun experience, meet new people, and give back to your community. Sign up now.

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