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News & Events

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Despite a serious lack of seating, our new space is ready for students! #alive #nuigalway #volunteer #newyearnewyou #renovation #orientation #college #bigreveal

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 READ Volunteer Stories

Student share their experiences. Read our volunteer blog here!



ALIVE Certificate Ceremony NUI Galway 2017
31/01/2017 - Earn the Presidential Award for Volunteering

EIL International Volunteering Scholarships
12/12/2016 - Opportunity to engage in international volunteering with a twist. EIL are offering scholarships for international engagement with learning at the centre.

Volunteering for your Career
10/10/2016 - Volunteering for your Career is a fun seminar to really unpack your volunteering for enhancing your portfolio, CV, interviews, and local to national award opportunities.

NUI Galway Launches
18/08/2016 - NUI Galway is to launch it's section of

Join the NUI Galway ALIVE Team!
16/08/2016 - Applications open to current NUI Galway students only

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