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My name is Manikant, and I am currently pursuing my Master’s in Business Analytics (2021-2022). I have volunteered at UL Consulting and Entrepreneurship Society and my role was Web Design – Entrepreneurship. One of the main reasons I decided to join the ULCES was my interest in entrepreneurship. As an International Student, I wanted to learn more and become more involved with the university. I've attended a number of tech webinars and had a fantastic time learning about the insights and work cultures of organizations in Ireland.

Volunteering, in my opinion, provides critical assistance to individuals in need, worthy causes, and the community, but the rewards to you, the volunteer, may be much larger. Volunteering helps you to connect with your community and help it to improve. It also aids in the expansion of networks and the establishment of professional ties. The more skills one has, the more confident one becomes.

Join Us! enables students to have the opportunity to: enrich your personal development and employability skills, have a fun experience, meet new people, and give back to your community. Sign up now.

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