
PeerMedics Limerick
- Education
- Limerick
The President’s Volunteer Award (PVA) is a prestigious recognition for UL students volunteering, both on and off campus. This award is officially recognised by the President of the University of Limerick and is noted on your UL student transcript, showcasing your commitment to civic engagement.
The President’s Volunteer Award is designed to:
How It Works
To qualify for a PVA, you must demonstrate a commitment to volunteering throughout the academic year. All volunteer hours are logged and verified through
Award Levels
Students can earn a Gold, Silver, Bronze, Plassey, or overseas volunteering award, depending on the number of hours they volunteer.
Volunteer anywhere – on campus, in your home county, or even abroad.
Overseas PVA – requires pre- and post-training with Comhlámh and a reflective portfolio.
How to Get Started
Find volunteering opportunities through University of Limerick |
Log your hours.
Complete and submit your PVA application form. enables students to have the opportunity to: enrich your personal development and employability skills, have a fun experience, meet new people, and give back to your community. Sign up now.
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