President’s Volunteer Award

President’s Volunteer Award

President’s Volunteer Award


Community Liaison Office (CLO) has been renamed 'Student Volunteering Office' (SVO) as of 1st September 2023.  Our vision for the University of Limerick is to provide an outstanding student experience, to actively serve our communities, and to contribute to the civil, social, and cultural life of the Shannon Region and beyond.  The PVA is a unique higher education volunteer award.  The President of the University formally recognises students for their volunteering work, and that is why all PVAs boost the UL student transcript.  Please take the time to explore this website and discover how volunteering can help to make a difference in your own life and in your community.

The President's Volunteer Award is also designed to help you put the V in your CV during your time in UL. The best thing about putting the V in your CV is that you are supporting and contributing to the development of clubs, societies and organisations as well as the people using and needing these services and supports.  You are also making great use of your spare time, learning new skills, and gaining valuable practical experience and transferrable work-related skills. That's why our clever students volunteer!

About The PVA

The President's Volunteer Award (PVA) has been established to harness, acknowledge, and support the contribution that students at the University of Limerick make to their communities.  The PVA draws on a strong tradition of student volunteering both on and off campus.

The primary goals of the PVA are:

  • Sustain and foster a culture of volunteering, active citizenship, and civic engagement amongst the student population.
  • Develop collaborative projects as well as furthering existing initiatives between UL and our communities.
  • Formally acknowledge and support the contribution that UL student volunteers make to our communities.
  • Promote the development of civic and leadership skills amongst students.

How Does it Work?

The most important requirement for the President's Volunteer Award is that you show a commitment to volunteering during your academic year. All hours are counted towards a PVA, except when volunteering overseas. The Overseas PVA is based on students engaging with pre and post training provided by Comhlámh in addition to the completion of the PVA reflective portfolio which can be found here

To find a volunteer opportunity on campus or off campus in our many community organisations, browse through the volunteering opportunities listed under the 'Volunteer' heading. Please note: You are not limited to these opportunities. For example, if you volunteer in your home county (sports clubs, youth clubs, etc), or you volunteer abroad, or if you have created your own volunteer opportunity. Once you have your hours approved and you complete the reflective portfolio, you can apply for the PVA.

HOT TIP: If you know of volunteering opportunities in your home county, then go and organise volunteering hours with them. Contact for further guidance, information, and support.

Please note:
The PVA does not recognize volunteering work completed after the academic year-ends, unless it is overseas volunteering. The closing date for applications is 25th April 2025. The PVA application (online hourly log and reflective portfolio) must be received by the CLO on or before this date.

  • The PVA is awarded to students who have completed a PVA reflective portfolio, and have their volunteering hours approved by their volunteer supervisor.
  • Students (undergrad, postgrad, part-time) have the opportunity to earn a Bronze, Silver, Gold, Plassey or Overseas award every year.
  • You do not have to get a Bronze or Silver award before applying for a Gold.
  • During a 4 year degree program, you could potentially earn 4 PVA awards (not doubt this haul of awards will impress any employer!).

Applying for the President's Volunteer Award

**Deadline is 25th April 2025**

Applications are now open  - click here. 

Step 1: Decide which award(s) you are applying for.

Step 2: Ensure volunteer hours have been approved on (Overseas ensure pre and post training hours signed by Comhlámh).

Step 3: Complete the reflective portfolio. This application is designed to help you reflect on the impact and benefits that both you and the community organisation gained from your volunteering role (the reflective portfolio will be very useful when you are updating your C.V. and in job interviews).

Step 4: All completed applications must be submitted to the PVA Office by April 25th 2025.

Step 5: All completed applications will be reviewed by the PVA office and once signed off you will receive confirmation of your award.

Step 6: The PVA annual ceremony takes place normally the end of September. We will send communication out re the ceremony over the summer months. All UL students are welcome to attend the awards.

Community/Students/Higher Education Institutions:

Studentvolunteer Ireland is a network of Irish Higher Education institutions that have come together to create a unique database, management system, and online resource that is directed towards the development of civic engagement through student volunteering. This new unique national system will connect students and community groups, charities, schools, hospitals, public bodies and NGOs across Ireland and beyond. It will also for the first time acknowledge, promote, and support higher education student volunteering across the sector and provide evidence based information on their contribution to Irish society and beyond. It will also connect communities across Ireland and beyond to this very valuable resource.

Studentvolunteer Irelandis funded by each Higher Education member institution and Campus Engage.

Why join studentvolunteer Ireland?


  • Online database and management system that enables you to promote your volunteer opportunity to higher education students across Ireland and connect directly with this cohort.
  • Develop and create civic engagement partnerships with staff and students in higher education institutions across Ireland.
  • Work in collaboration with higher education institutions across Ireland to develop best practices in civic engagement activities.


  • Facilitates higher education students across Ireland to get involved in your local communities.
  • Provides an online management system that enables you to log your volunteer hours and reflect on your learning.
  • Profiles the significant volunteer contribution that higher education students make to their communities in Ireland and beyond.

Higher Education Institutions

  • An efficient and effective management system that promotes and supports higher education civic engagement through student volunteering.
  • A bespoke database that captures the diversity of community organisations engaging with higher education institutions in Ireland, and the multiplicity of volunteer activities higher education students are delivering.
  • A civic engagement professional practitioner forum for sharing best practices.

Join Us! enables students to have the opportunity to: enrich your personal development and employability skills, have a fun experience, meet new people, and give back to your community. Sign up now.

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