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UCC Works Awards Ceremony March 21st


A huge congratulations today to everyone who has achieved their UCC Works Awards, and for the first time, a UCC Digital Badge in Devere Hall.

What an outstanding accomplishment for over 300 students!

Well done everyone, we are so proud of you all. Super congratulations to Erin Hyslop, Brigita Gallagher and Udaya Khandavilli in your award of Highly Commended for outstanding talent, and to Susan Butler for achievement of your Star Award.   


UCC welcomes and applauds your involvement in, and contribution to, volunteering and civic and community engagement,  extracurricular activities like clubs and societies, students’ union, class reps and uLink Peer Support, the Homework Club and the Chaplaincy.
This year we have expanded the Volunteering Pathway to Volunteering and Community Engagement – this will expand the range of activities that students can be awarded for going forward in years to come. 
Participation in these activities has the dual effect of developing your own transferable skills for the world of work but also enhances the student experience for everyone on campus.
UCC is proud of your participation, your contribution to… AND successes in, extracurricular activities, so much so that the University wants to give you formal recognition for this contribution in the form of a UCC Works Award. 

Well done all.  

Eleanor, Mary, and the UCC Works Team in association with 

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