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UCC Volunteering Fair 2018


VOLUNTEERING FAIR 18TH SEPTEMBER 2018, DEVERE HALL, Aras na Mac Leinn, Student Centre, UCC   -11am to 2pm

Click here for a map of the location - building number 03 on the map.

We are now packed to capacity in Devere Hall  for our Volunteering fair. We have 45 excellent not-for-profit, charities, and  civic and community organisations coming on the day.

This volunteering initiative is aligned to University College Cork Priority One : Connected Curriculum which focuses on emphasizing the holistic development of students via Civic and Community engagement. Alongside this civic engagement, there is Sustainability. The Sustainability connection represents the university’s commitment to the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals. This will also form part of the Volunteering Fair, as we have the SDG’s taking a stand and encouraging students to take the 1.5 hour free workshop on how they can contribute to the SDG goals.

Organisations attending on the day include:

  • Barnardos
  • Big Brother Big Sister, Foroige
  • Chernobyl Childrens’ Trust
  • Comhlámh
  • Cork Association for Autism
  • Cork ARC Cancer Support House
  • Cork New Life Media (Life FM)
  • Cork Life Centre
  • Cork Volunteer Centre
  • Enable Ireland
  • Feed Cork
  • Fighting Words Project Co-ordinator
  • Foroige North Cork
  • Friendly Call Cork
  • Gaisce, The President’s Award
  • Headway Cork
  • Habitat for Humanity Ireland
  • Hope Foundation
  • Homeless Help and Support Cork
  • Irish Girl Guides
  • Irish Guide Dogs
  • Irish Heart Foundation
  • Le Chéile Mentoring and Youth Justice Support Services
  • Oxfam Ireland
  • Pieta House Cork
  • Cork Samaritans
  • Scala Cork
  • Special Olympics Ireland - Munster
  • Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) part of World Vision Ireland
  • Trócaire
  • UCC Alzheimers 
  • UCC Blackstone Launchpad
  • UCC Chaplaincy
  • UCC Health Matters
  • UCC Niteline
  • UCC PLUS+ Homework Clubs
  • UCC Skills Centre
  • UCC Works Award
  • UCC Cancer Society 
  • UCC Friends of MSF 
  • UCC Simon Community  
  • Voluntary Service International

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