
PeerMedics Limerick
- Education
- Limerick
The UCC EmployAgility Award is a professional skills development programme, and demonstrates that you have engaged in, and developed professional skills through extra-curricular activities and work experience, all of which will help you to stand out from the crowd when applying for graduate roles and internships
According to FDM Group - "Today’s employers are looking at more than just your degree. They are looking for how well rounded you are and they have identified that a lot of the skills you gain from university aren’t necessarily from the academics – they’re from extracurricular activities. Many students have these skills, and every student has the potential to develop them if they don’t. The problem is that most job seekers fail to properly identify them, or cannot articulate them, at key times such as on a CV or in an interview....FDM "
After engaging in the experience you will need to reflect on the skills you have developed and learn how to articulate these skills to employers. You will do this by writing up a Reflective Report and preparing your CV before you actually receive the award at a formal rewards ceremony in the spring.
Students receive official recognition for taking part in extra curricular activities. You will receive an official UCC Digital Badge, and also stand out from the crowd and have your contribution recorded on your Diploma Supplement. (not the Exam Transcript)
UCC EmployAgility Awards boosts your career prospects by demonstrating to employers that you have developed the competencies they want.
The Reflective Report requires students to answer three minimal questions and allows students to articulate on paper more effectively the competencies developed during their UCC EmployAgility Awards activity.
The competencies students are asked to develop in the Reflective Report are core competencies that research shows employers look for in potential candidates in both interviews and C.V's.
Updating your C.V allows students to reflect and express the skills gained with UCC EmployAgility in an effective manner. enables students to have the opportunity to: enrich your personal development and employability skills, have a fun experience, meet new people, and give back to your community. Sign up now.
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