
PeerMedics Limerick
- Education
- Limerick
A. Dedicate 35 hours to your chosen activity and log your hours. Plus complete the first 6 modules of the Canvas course (1. Introduction UCC EmployAgility Awards, 2. Maximise Your Network for Career Success, 3.Write CVs and Cover Letters with Impact, )
B. Dedicate 30 hours to your chosen activity and complete the entire Canvas course. More employer-created content will be available in Semester 2.
4. Record your hours and note your development on the Hours Log excel sheet
5. Update your CV and gain a score of 70% on CareerSet
6. Complete and submit your Reflective Report enables students to have the opportunity to: enrich your personal development and employability skills, have a fun experience, meet new people, and give back to your community. Sign up now.
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