
PeerMedics Limerick
- Education
- Limerick
Can I apply for more than one pathway, or more than one award in any given pathway?
Yes, you can apply for more than one award, providing you meet the requirements of participating a minimum of 40 hours (including the Canvas course) in each role, and complete and Reflective Report and CV for each role as you finish.
I am confused about the Diploma Supplement... is it the same as a UCC Transcript of Results?
NO. The Diploma Supplement is not your Transcript.
Your Transcript of Results is An Academic Transcript: It lists your complete academic history: programmes attended, a breakdown of marks/grades achieved in each module, the degree awarded, your overall grade, conferring date and awards/scholarships, if applicable.
The Diploma Supplement provides additional information regarding the award which is not available on the official certificate such as the skills and competences acquired. It is a European Document.
Is the UCC EmployAgility Awards open to everyone?
The UCC EmployAgility Awards is open to all UCC Students. Once you are a registered student and fully participate in the programme adhering to the rules (Participate and Reflect), then you are eligible.
What are the Higher Awards?
The Higher Awards (Employability Star Award, a Global Citizen Award, and a Leadership Award)to recognize students who stand out in their employment skills development. Awardees must exemplify growth in employability skills, global citizenship, or leadership. Students can apply for all of the awards or for a specific of the three awards.To qualify, a student must achieve three of the six pathways over a minimum of two years. enables students to have the opportunity to: enrich your personal development and employability skills, have a fun experience, meet new people, and give back to your community. Sign up now.
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