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Volunteering During Covid - 19 Student Survey
03/03/2021 - A Final Year NUIG Occupational Therapy student is conducting research on volunteering health crisis

02/03/2021 - Here are some of our most asked questions in one place for your convenience!

UL Student Volunteer Sarah Chapman
17/02/2021 - The volunteering provided an escape for me and a space where I could let my mind have a break...

UL Student Volunteer Katie Rafferty
16/02/2021 - Volunteering has allowed me to meet and interact with loads of new people and make genuine friends and connections for life.

UL Student Volunteer Julia Nwokedi
11/02/2021 - My volunteering experience has changed my outlook on volunteering and life in general

UL Student Volunteer Dave Mullen
11/02/2021 - As the pandemic has a hugely negative effect on us all, now more than ever, it’s important to do something that makes us feel good, and what better way, than doing something for our community.

ALIVE Welcome Information Session
11/02/2021 - Join us on zoom on 18th February for an information session on all the volunteering opportunities this semester!

Not another Zoom Quiz!
06/02/2021 - NUI Galway Students’ fund-raiser for Galway Simon

The Food Systems Summit - Have Your Say!
03/02/2021 - Interested in food sustainability? Pop along!

NUI Galway Sustainability Student Summit 2021
01/02/2021 - All welcome! Join in on all things campus Sustainability

Hackathon/Climathon with French Embassy in Ireland
20/01/2021 - Join us for a hackathon on climate that will start in March 2021.

Every Good Wish for a Peaceful Christmas and a Prosperous New Year
18/12/2020 - A Christmas Message

International Volunteer Day 2020
04/12/2020 - Saturday 5th December is International Volunteer Day 2020

PVA Virtual Ceremony 2020
27/11/2020 - Watch our 10th Annual PVA Virtual Ceremony

PVA Virtual Ceremony - Link to video
26/11/2020 - Link to YouTube Premiere of our 10th Annual PVA Ceremony

PVA Ceremony Booklet 2020
24/11/2020 - The AY 19/20 President's Volunteer Award Ceremony Booklet

NUI Galway Celebrates International Day of People with Disabilities
23/11/2020 - Photography Competition

PVA Ceremony 2020 Guest Speaker
19/11/2020 - We are delighted to welcome UL Alumni Jack Scanlan as our Ceremony guest speaker this year.

President’s Volunteer Award 2020
17/11/2020 - Invitation to the 10th Annual PVA Ceremony

ALIVE Workshop Series 2020
02/11/2020 - Learn new skills and engage in a wide variety of topics!

Join Us! enables students to have the opportunity to: enrich your personal development and employability skills, have a fun experience, meet new people, and give back to your community. Sign up now.

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