St. Patrick’s Day Stewards

University of Limerick
- Community
- Limerick
Latest news from Tallaght IT: The official launch of the National Student Volunteer Database will take place in ITT Dublin on Thursday 3rd December from 2.00 - 3.00 pm in the ITT Dublin Main Foyer.
ITT Dublin are pleased to announce the launch of the National Student Volunteer Management System – for use at Institute of Technology Tallaght and the local community. This system developed in co-operation with the Campus Engage Network Partners – University of Limerick, DCU, NUI Galway, IT Tralee, UCC and TCD aims to manage and promote the extensive contributions made by IT Tallaght and other higher education students to their local community and nationally, through volunteering activity.
Social Justice week in ITT Dublin from 7th - 10th December. Talks by Fr. Peter McVerry, Medcins Sans frontiers, 24 hr sleep out and Xmas markets.
The ITTDublin Raffle has taken place.
The results of the draw are as follows:
1st Prize: €50 one4all voucher Jessie McLoughlin
2nd Prize: €25 one4all voucher Zoe May Barclay
3rd Prize: €15 one4all voucher Andrew Halpin
Congratulations to our winners.
IT Tallaght Social Justice Week
06/12/2016 - Social Justice Week IT Tallaght
Social Justice Week
01/12/2016 - Social Justice Week IT Tallaght
ITTDublin Volunteer Fair 2016
03/10/2016 - 8th Annual Volunteering Fair - ITT Dublin
ITTDublin Volunteering Certificate 2016/17
09/05/2016 - We have had great interest from students who wish to undertake the Volunteering Certificate 2016/17
Mature student of the Year (USI) - Barbara Bollard
09/05/2016 - Mature student of the Year (USI) - Barbara Bollard, computing student
ITT Dublin Raffle Prize Winner
29/02/2016 - Congratulations to Jessie McLoughlin, Zoe May Barclay and Andrew Halpin all winners in our recent Raffle Prize
Launch of ITT Dublin Student Volunteer Website
25/11/2015 - Launch of enables students to have the opportunity to: enrich your personal development and employability skills, have a fun experience, meet new people, and give back to your community. Sign up now.
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