
PeerMedics Limerick
- Education
- Limerick
What is International Volunteering?
Volunteering overseas, abroad in a different country is international volunteering. You can make a huge impact volunteering locally in Ireland and this can be hugely positive for international communities. If you decide to travel International Volunteering can be:
Short term (2 weeks - 3 months)
Medium term (3-6 months)
Long term (1 - 2 years)
Step 1: Think carefully about who to travel with in order to be a mindful volunteer.
Sending organisations may be:
Non-Profit : Charities, NGOs, Govt. Organisations or Programmes
For Profit : Travel Companies, Adventure Companies
The Comhlámh’s Code of Good Practice for Volunteer Sending Agencies, is the standard for Ireland's international volunteering projects. We highly recommend that you volunteer with organisations that are compliant with this national standard.
Do Not volunteer with Orphanages. Here is the Irish national guidance on why it is important to inform yourself of the ban on orphanage volunteering: National Guidance enables students to have the opportunity to: enrich your personal development and employability skills, have a fun experience, meet new people, and give back to your community. Sign up now.
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