
PeerMedics Limerick
- Education
- Limerick
Read our Impact Report that outlines the societal and economic impact of student volunteering.
Our Impact Report shares our three stakeholder perspectives - Student, Community and Higher Education - on the benefits of student volunteering.
In partnership with the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education we deliver our micro-credential Digital Badge to staff, students and partners that seek to enahnce their practice with theoretical and research frameworks.
Enabling Student Volunteering Open Course
Across HEIs the Gaisce Medal and its personal and professional development opportunities are supported. Student Volunteer Ireland are Gaisce Challenge Partners. and Comhámh signed a partnership agreement to ensure that all volunteering opportunities promoted to students through our website are officially Comhlámh Code of Good Practice Signatories.This ensures that students are recieving excellent support and training as part of their overseas volunteering experiences.
The Code of Good Practice for Development Education at IDEA is a framework to support organisations that are committed to global citizenship education. is a Code Member and adheres to the principles of social justice, student voice and democractic ways of engaging.
Localise lead on the development of the National Youth Volunteering Portfolio (MyVP) and partner in this groundbreaking reflection and recognition tool to enable young people to reflect on their skills and learning in order to build their civic understandings and access educational and employment pathways.
The Volunteer Charter at Volunteer Ireland is the national framework to support volunteers and Volunteer Involving Organisations that are committed to good practice. is a Charter Member and adheres to the principles outlined to ensure that both volunteers and VIOs are supported. enables students to have the opportunity to: enrich your personal development and employability skills, have a fun experience, meet new people, and give back to your community. Sign up now.
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